Making a first impression is key when it comes to your website. People decide in 10-15 seconds upon landing on your page if they're in the right place. Having a pretty website with aesthetically pleasing visuals definitely helps, however it’s the words on your page that are going to determine if they stick around or not.
No matter how people land on your page; almost everyone is going to eventually navigate back to your homepage. That's why making sure your homepage has the following 3 things is a good idea if you want your visitors to hang around:
1. What do you do?
You have to make it incredibly clear to anyone coming to your page what you are selling/offering. This first section of your website is crucial in hooking your customers, that’s why you need to have 1-2 sentences clearly explaining what you do, paired with an image of you working in your field, with your customer, or an image that relates to your offer. If you are a personal trainer, an image of either you working with a client, or something related to the personal training/fitness field would be applicable here. If you're offering a service that is harder to capture, like for instance, a mindset coach, or a meditation instructor, a safe option is to always use a professional photograph of yourself.
2. Can you help me?
First impressions are made fairly quickly so while you're trying to make it super easy for someone to understand what you do, you also need to show them that they could benefit from your services. Because we don’t want to make our visitors work too hard at figuring that information out, make sure you include this information closer to the top of the page.
Here's a few ways that may look like:
-A testimonial or two showcasing that people like them have worked with you in the past and you have helped them in some way
-If your work is making something physical/tangible, show a portfolio or pieces of work you have completed (this can also look like before/after pictures if you're in the transformation field)
-Knowing the painpoints of your customers and reassuring them that you will solve their problem with your service. If you have any personal experience of being in their shoes, this is also a great spot to relate that information. But keep in mind to keep it short and sweet.
For example:
If you are a nutritionist for women with eating disorders, and you used to have an eating disorder, then try picking a few things that you may have suffered with as well that you know your clients will relate to.
3. How to work with you?
Do not make your customers guess what they have to do next to work with you. This section should follow the "Can you help me" section with a clear call to action. If you would like your clients to contact you as a next step, make that clear. If it is to purchase something from a link, then include a button that takes them to that place. If you have multiple call to actions on your page, make sure they are clear and spread out enough so that the customers do not feel flooded or confused by too many steps.
Building a website yourself and want to know what to include on your homepage?
If you are curious about what I like to include on my clients' homepages and what you should include on your website's homepage to ensure your homepage is speaking clearly to your ideal customer, then make sure to grab a copy of my free guide "Build a homepage that converts" below.